Monday, October 9, 2017

Migration of Alerts in R12/11i

1] Using FNDLOAD utility:
Here first DOWNLOAD the custom alert from the source instance, copy the ldt file to the new instance and then UPLOAD to the destination instance.
Command to download:
FNDLOAD apps_user_name/apps_password 0 Y DOWNLOAD $ALR_TOP/patch/115/import/alr.lct my_file.ldt ALR_ALERTS APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=’XXCUST’ ALERT_NAME=<Alert name to download>
Here are some additional parameters that can also be passed are: 
Command to upload:
FNDLOAD apps_user_name/apps_password 0 Y UPLOAD  $ALR_TOP/patch/115/import/alr.lct my_file.ldt – CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE

2] Using Alert Manager Responsibility:
You can use the Transfer Alert Definitions window to transfer an alert definition to another database, or make a copy of an existing alert. 
1. From the Menu, choose Tools > Transfer Alert.
2. In the Source Alert block of the Transfer Alert Definition window, enter:
* Application name associated with the alert to be transferred
* Alert name to be transferred
* Username and password for the database where the Alert to transfer resides
Include any necessary SQL*Net syntax to indicate where your database resides. 
SQL*Net syntax may be used. The different databases need to be defined in the
$TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file.
Example of: username/ password@ SQL*Net_syntax
Note: Database Links are not supported in Applications
3. Similarly, in the Destination Alert block, enter:
* Application name for the new Alert. 
* Alert name for the new Alert. 
* Username and password for the new database location.
4. Click Transfer button to complete the alert transfer.
NOTE: This process works for NEW Alerts that do not exist. If the Alert exists already in the Destination location, you will receive the error:
APP-ALR-04016: The alert <alert_name> already exists on the destination database account.
§  Oracle Alert User’s Guide
§  How to transfer alert definition from One Instance to another instance using cmdline script [ID 400295.1]

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