Monday, April 29, 2013

Troubleshooting / Solutions for APP-FND-01630

DBA /DEVELOPERS always in need of FNDLOAD utility, one of the below error is faced while working on this utility

FNDLOAD apps/DEV2APPLSYS O Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/aflvmlu.lct lookup_XXTWC_YIELD_DIGITALPHONE.ldt
Log filename : L6977176.log

Report filename : O6977176.out
APP-FND-01630: Cannot open file L6977176.log for appending

Cause: FDPFOP encountered an error when attempting to open file L6977176.log for appending.

Action: Verify that the filename is correct and that the environment variables controlling that filename are correct.

Action: If the file is opened in read mode, check that the file exists. Check that you have privileges to read the file in the file directory. Contact your system administrator to obtain read privileges.

Action: If the file is opened in write or append mode, check that you have privileges to create and write files in the file directory. Contact your system administrator to obtain create and write privileges.

Check the permission in the Directory where you are trying to do FNDLOAD upload.

touch file1

       If you are able to create the file and have the required permission and still the issue exists,perform the below steps.

Note 1:

In R12. Context File is no more in $APPL_TOP/admin directory.It has been moved to $INST_TOP/appl/admin directory

Note 2:
Check env variables APPLTMP and APPLPTMP
$env|grep TMP
NodeApps(TESTAPPS)  /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS_NodeApps/admin/install

Change the value of the APPLTMP and APPLPTMP environment variable in context file to point to new Directory and run autoconfig to make changes saved.Also make sure
utl_file_dir has the same value.

sqlplus / as sysdba (On DB Tier)
show parameter utl_file_dir;

Step 1:Run cmclean.sql
>sqlplus apps

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Nov 7 23:42:44 2012

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Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining
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SQL> @cmclean.sql

Note:CMCLEAN.SQL is the Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables

Step 2:Bounce the middle Tier applications services

Hope now the issue is resolved...

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