Monday, April 29, 2013


As a DBA, we use to get request for APPLICATIONS AND WEB BROWSER CACHE CLEAR, Please follow the steps:-

Apache / iAS Cache clear for 11.5.9 or 11.5.10.x
- shutdown iAS server
- go to $OA_HTML (for 11.5.9) or $COMMON_TOP (for 11.5.10.x) directory
- backup the directory _pages and delete its contents by running for instance:

  rm -rf $COMMON_TOP/_pages/*

- for modplsql caches remove contents of $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cache directory
- restart iAS server

Cache clear on middle tier for R12

Note: Clearing _pages directory is no longer a recommended solution.
      Clearing the _pages in R12 creates blank login page issue, as in R12 the jsp files does not get compiled automatically.

From Forntend

- go to "Functional Administrator" responsibility

- select Core Services => Caching Framework => Global Configuration => Clear cache

From backend

- stopall

- rm -fr $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/persistence/*

- rm -fr $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/persistence/*

- rm -fr $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/forms/persistence/*

- startall


Images and style sheets can be corrupted or out of sync in the cabo caches,you may need to clear the related directories after backup:

- $OA_HTML/cabo/images/cache
- $OA_HTML/cabo/styles/cache

For Portal
- go to the url: http://<host.domain>:<port>/pls/admin_/gateway.htm or cache.htm
- click on "Cache Settings" option and note the "Cache Directory"
- go to this directory and delete all the cache files in the directory and sub directories

WebADI / BNE cache

For instance when enabling BNE log

- go to url: http://<host.domain>:<port>/oa_servlets/oracle.apps.bne.framework.BneAdminServlet
- click on the "clear-cache" link
- at the bottom of the page you should see 'Cache Cleared'

How to clear cache for Web Browsers

For Netscape:

- go to menu Edit => Preferences…,
- choose 'Cache' in 'Advanced' category,
- click on buttons 'Clear Memory Cache' and 'Clear Disk Cache'.
- close all Netscape windows and restart new browser session.

For Internet Explorer:

- go to menu Tools => Internet Options…,
- select Genera' tab,
- click on button 'Delete Files' in 'Temporary Internet files' zone
- close all IE windows and restart new browser session.

For Mozilla Firefox:

- go to menu Tools
- select 'Clear Private Data...' to clear the entire cache
- go to menu Edit or Tools
- select Preferences or Options.
- expand the Advance' options and choose Cach' or Privacy
- click the button called Clear Cache.

For Safari:

- go to Safari menu
- select Empty Cache => Click 'Empty' in the dialogue box

For Jinitiator

Two possibilities depending of the Jinitiator version:

for 1.1.8.x versions:

 - delete all files in directory:

 C:\Program Files\Oracle\Jinitiator <version>\jcache\

for 1.3.1.x versions:

 - go to Start => Parameters => Control Panel
 - double-click on "Jinitiator <version>" icon
 - in the new pop-up window, click on "Cache" tab
 - click on "Clear Jar Cache " button. On prompt, click Yes.

 (you can also delete directly all files under directory: C:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\Oracle Jar Cache)

For Java

Java/JRE plug-in (Windows)

- go to Start => Parameters => Control Panel
- double-click on "Java" icon
- in the new pop-up window, click on "General" tab
- click on "Delete Files..." button (you can select Applets, Applications or other files before)


- go to responsibility "Functional Administrator"
- click on "Core Services" tab then the "Caching Framework" sub-tab
- click on "Global Configuration" link then click on "Clear all cache" button to clear all of the Java Cache's

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